Pjestaret e familjes – Family members
Parents – Prinderit
Grandparents – Gjysherit
Nëna – the mother
Babai – The father
Gjyshi – the grandfather
Gjyshja– the grandmother
i biri / djali- the son
e bija / vajza – the daughter
Vellai– the brother
Motra– the sister
xhaxhai, daja – the uncle
tezja, halla – the aunt
This is my family. Kjo eshte familja ime.
Ne jemi nje familje. We are a family.
I have a family. Unë kam nje familje.
There are 6 members in my family. – Familja ime ka 6 anetare.
Marital status and related words
single; married; engaged; separated; divorced; widowed;
to marry; to get married; marriage;
husband; wife; spouse; ex-husband; ex-wife; divorce;
married couple; husband and wife;
married man; unmarried man; bachelor;
married woman; unmarried woman; single mother;
widow; widower; grass widow; grass widower;
fiance; engagement; engagement ring;
bride; bridegroom (groom); bridesmaid; best man;
wedding; wedding ring; wedding cake; newly-weds; honeymoon;